The Silver Ash
The Silver Ash is informative and entertaining, covering topics about cannabis for the first time toker to the grey beard smoker. Please join the host and his special guest including Chanci Herer, daughter of cannabis activist Jack Herer and learn about the benefits of medicinal and recreational cannabis usage. We will talk about the varied uses of hemp and cannabis from varied perspectives. Tune in and learn something about cannabis that can help you or a loved one, it's not all about getting high...
Podcasting since 2020 • 15 episodes
The Silver Ash
Latest Episodes
Episode 1: The McKay's
For over 20 years, Antoine McKay has been among the leading actors and directors to hail from the MidWest. He developed his passion for acting at a young age and honed his skills at Eastern Michigan University's prestigious theatre arts program...
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode 9: Tommy Chong "From Canada to Motown"
We all know Tommy Chong from That 70's Show or from the Cheech and Chong movies and skits but, did you know Tommy was once and R & B Singer, signed to Motown? Tommy was very much into the R & B scene in Canada and h...
Season 1
Episode 9
Trailer: Episode 9-Tommy Chong meets 10 year old Michael Jackson
Here is a snippet from The Tommy Chong interview. Tommy talks about meeting Michael Jackson in Chicago when MJ was 10 years old!
Season 1
Episode 9
Episode 8: The WordSmyth, Malik Yusef, From No Love to G.O.O.D. Music
Malik Yusef, the WordSmyth, is an avant-garde spoken word poet—with timely lyrics that address and bring attention to national and global issues. Born and raised in Chicago’s south side amongst a humble and sometimes troubled beginning, Malik r...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Todd McCormick "Sometimes you get shown the light in the strangest places...."
Todd McCormick is a former cancer patient who started using cannabis in 1979, under his mother's supervision while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Todd overcame the cancer and went on to become a lifetime advocate for medical cannabis. S...
Season 1
Episode 7